Why are murderers punished? An absurd idea. A state is about to burst from overpopulation--but if a good-natured fellow comes along and helps that state get rid of a few individuals, the above-mentioned state grabs the fellow and chops off his head. Not very intelligent.
(Seven beatitudes.)
Blessed are the poor: for if only they had a million...
Blessed are the oppressed: for if only the revolution came...
Blessed are the disappointed in love: for if only they could embrace that one and only...
Blessed are the drunken: for if only they could restrain themselves for just one year...
Blessed are the sick: for if only they became well again...
Blessed, blessed are all who suffer loss and pain: for they still possess the illusion of happiness.
"I feel no pity for those who complain. Their suffering cannot be very deep, as long as they can still bother to try and find words for it."
"Well, patriotism, you know, is in reality nothing but self-love raised to a higher power. We are so precious to ourselves that we value everything we come in contact with in any way whatever, be it nothing more than the places where we live, or even those places that just have some judicial or administrative connection with them."
Frank Pierson, writer/director and presently president of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences delivered the 2003 commencement speech at USC Film School. Mr. Pierson is a past president of the WGA.
It's well worth reading!
"To the studios today, the art of film and TV is a byproduct of their main business, a side effect, and, like most side effects, more likely to be a noxious nuisance than a benefit."
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